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The shoes women wear

Writer's picture: Kelvin Cwemareng SogoromoKelvin Cwemareng Sogoromo

I was raised by a sepik woman. Dwell in countless sepik homes managed by sepik mothers and I have utmost respect and admiration towards how they handled their homely affairs and interactions with the society. I’ve seen them living up to Sepik society’s expectations like champions. They are indeed, the foundation of an impregnable Sepik. A while ago, I had an argument with a fellow Papua New Guinean who claimed that Women in Sepik has a stubborn mindset, often bossy and has the tendency of being superior in an immorally disloyal and disrespect sense towards their male partners position as a male figure in their relationship. Whether in marriage, just friends or engaged etc… I found his opinion insulting and perhaps stereotyping, though I respected his entitlement to his own opinion; I couldn’t bare what he was expressing so I sort of get in a small debate with him anyway for the sake of satisfying my provoked discomfort mind. I may be a little overreacted but this is what I had stated in contrast with his views;

“Sepik women aren’t stubborn nor independent like until & unless yu man blo em kamap dead butt or yu wanpla dead butt.These ladies are biologically programmed to raise, look after & balance power (perform lo custom & holim family). They strive to maintain a dominating outlook (typical Sepik ) & if your’re some weak grumpy man who can’t cope with that then, they’ll start performing both your roles and theirs which will eventually have you thinking that they are selfish,independent like & stubborn when they’re just trying to fill your gaps.  How dare you questioned or doubted the women who share a pedigree of raising brilliant minds that built this Nation.” I reacted over that opinion because in a male dominated society like Sepik and almost all of PNG, our women struggle for their place in the society and we tend to show very little or no appreciating for their contribution in our economy at all. Often, men are credited for being dominant human resources while our women folks get less recognition. Thus, from time to time when females attempt male dominated roles, they get criticisms rather than support and encouragement. As a matter of fact, many wives today get that from their husbands or other male folks for wearing ‘ dual pair of shoes ‘ as a result of men’s failure. It is not a domestic issue alone but is happening everywhere; in work force, public places,meeting and gatherings. Everywhere!


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